Friday, February 12, 2010

Unworthy as We Are

A favourite prayer found in the BCP.

BE mindful, O Lord, of thy people bowed
before thee, and of those who are absent
through age, sickness, or infirmity. Care for the
infants, guide the young, support the aged, encourage
the faint-hearted, collect the scattered,
and bring the wandering to thy fold. Travel with
the voyagers, defend the widows, shield the orphans,
deliver the captives, heal the sick. Succour
all who are in tribulation, necessity, or distress.
Remember for good all those that love us, and
those that hate us, and those that have desired
us, unworthy as we are, to pray for them. And
those whom we have forgotten, do thou, O Lord,
remember. For thou art the Helper of the helpless,
the Saviour of the lost, the Refuge of the
wanderer, the Healer of the sick. Thou, who
knowest each man’s need, and hast heard his
prayer, grant unto each according to thy merciful
loving-kindness and thy eternal love; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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